Hong Kong Butterflies 28
The Common Jay (Graphium doson 木蘭青鳳蝶 ) is medium in size. It can be seen in spring, summer and autumn and is common and widely distributed in Hong Kong. The wings are black with a broad bluish-green macular band, making it comparatively easy to be observed. Markings on its wings, which look similar to Common Bluebottle, […]

Yellow Bittern
Yellow Bitterns ( Ixobrychus sinensis 黃葦鳽) are small ardeid with yellow bill and legs. They have black cap and flight feathers and their belly are light brown. Reed marsh is their ideal habitat. They often build nests inside reed marsh using reeds as the raw material, it is hard to find them. Its light brown […]

Black-crowned Night Heron
The black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax 夜鷺), or black-capped night heron, is a medium-sized heron with yellow legs. Adult has black crown and black with grey and white wings and long white plumes on back of head. I encountered the first guy standing at the edge of a fish pond in the Hong Kong Park staring motionlessly on the […]

Hong Kong Butterflies 27
The Gram Blue (Euchrysops cnejus 棕灰蝶又名白尾小灰蝶、白尾灰蝶、雞豆蝶) is a small butterfly that belongs to the Blues family. On the upperside, the male is pale purple and with tornal spots in the hindwing crowned in orange. The female has a brown border on both wings and is pale shining blue in the basal area, and its hindwing has spots. On […]