Japanese White-eye
The Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonica, 暗綠繡眼鳥) is a small passerine bird in the white-eye family. A resident with bright green upperparts, yellow throat and vent with a prominent white eyering. It can be commonly seen in woodland and urban parks in Hong Kong. They sip the nectar and eat the insects they find among the petals and twigs. […]

Hong Kong Butterflies 33
Indian Fritillary (Argyreus hyperbius, 斐豹蛺蝶) is a common butterfly in the nymphalid family. It has an orange body and distinctively marked orange wings with black spots (hyomonmeans “panther pattern”). The white and black patterns on the underside are subtle and beautiful and the aerodynamic shape of the wings is quite special. This Indian Fritillary was spotted in […]

Hong Kong Butterflies 32
Pale Grass Blue (Pseudozizeeria mah, 酢漿灰蝶) is one of the most common butterflies in the Hong Kong parks. It is a small butterfly that belongs to the lycaenids or blues family. It usually stays close to the ground. Its larval food plant, Lavender Sorrel (Oxalis debilis. 紅花酢漿草), is also a common herb in Hong Kong. This Pale Grass […]

Hong Kong Butterflies 31
White Dragontail (Lamproptera curius 燕鳳蝶) is the smallest swallowtail in the whole Papilionidae family. The wings are black with white median band coupled with a large transparent area towards the margin of the forewings. It has a very long tail on each of its hindwing, which give the butterfly its highly distinctive appearance. It flies swiftly and […]