Edward Youde Aviary (尤德觀鳥園)
The Edward Youde Aviary of the Hong Kong Park was opened in 1992. The aviary has a raised walkway that visitors can watch the birds at various angles. Last Wednesday we visited the aviary and took a few pictures of the birds living there.

上週三早上到香港公園影花,剛好遇上香港觀鳥會 (Hong Kong Bird Watching Society) 的觀鳥班正在上課;他們一群人圍在一起觀賞一隻小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡 (Yellow-crested Cockatoo) 正在樹上吃果實,樣子趣怪;我也走近影了幾張小鸚鵡吃東西的趣致樣貌。這種小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡經常在寶雲道一帶的天空上出現,但能在這樣近距離見到,正如觀鳥會的一位導賞員說這可能是一種緣份吧! 據說公園內這種野鳥已被列為極度瀕危的品種,更是全球最大的野化種群。

A Cat Called Benji
According to the FB, Benji has become a new member of the Phoenix Animal Clinic in Moon Street since July 2015, which started about 20 years ago and is now operated by Dr. Tom, an Australian Vet, and Dr. Kathryn. Dr. Tom once told me, Benji was left at the door of his clinic by […]