The Little Prince – 75th Anniversary
Few stories are as widely read and as universally cherished by children and adults alike as The Little Prince, first published in April 1943, a novella, the most famous work of French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Lee Tung Avenue has launched a French wedding campaign under the theme of ‘Vintage Wedding Garden with […]

香港電腦通訊節2018 (Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival)
轉眼又到香港電腦通訊節,今年它已踏入第十五個年頭了。今年它還首次與香港旅遊發展局合作,加入[工銀亞洲香港電競音樂節];但昨天入場參觀時,感覺場內氣氛不及早年的熱鬧,參展商數目也不如早年的多。希望來屆會有更多展品出現! The Predator

Flag Day 2018 of The SPCA (愛護動物協會)
Today is the Flag Day fundraiser of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(SPCA)! Every penny that is donated allows them to assist animals that are abandoned, cruelly treated, injured or sick. They can surely make a difference to countless lives! So everyone do support this meaningful act and don’t forget to buy the SPCA’s flag […]

AV Show 2018 《香港高級視聽展》
自從2003年起,一年一度的「香港高級視聽展」今天起一連三天假座灣仔香港會議展覽中心內舉行了。據說每年 參觀人數超過30,000人,還被業界認定為全球頭三位最重要的音響展覽會之一。不經不覺每年來參觀,己經有十多年了。今年也不例外,喝過早茶便來排隊進場,等待入場的人龍還是像往年一樣的長;香港真是有很多音響迷啊!