Floriade Canberra
Floriade is Australia’s biggest celebration of spring. This iconic Canberra event will run from Saturday 15 September until Sunday 14 October 2018. We were there in 2016 travelling from Sydney Central Station to Canberra by taking Murrays Coaches. It has been one of our most memorable experience. Wish that we can be there again next […]

The New Comer
This lovely stray cat, used to live somewhere near Bowen Road Garden, recently moved to the hillside along the upper part of Bowen Drive. Mrs. Lam, a cat lover who feeds the cats here every morning, asked me a few days ago to feed the cats on her behalf as she had to take a […]

據《雪梨晨鋒報》(Sydney Morning Herald)報道以西瓜蛋糕聞名雪梨的「黑色之星餅店」(Black Star Pastry),已被30歲的華裔富二代(Louis Li)收購大部份股權;李打算在亞洲以至美國開設分店,把這款風靡社交媒體的甜品帶到全球。去年十月我們到澳洲時也順道到新鎮(Newtown,餅店總店所在)試過這聞名已久的西瓜蛋糕;味道可真的不錯。這是雪梨的象徵式糕點,它可能已取代了林明頓蛋糕(lamingtons),成為澳洲最知名的糕點。有機會真要再來一試啊! 「黑色之星餅店」越南裔老闆兼創意總監世先生(Christopher The)在2008年開設了「黑色之星」,如今有4間餅店,總店位於新鎮(Newtown)、分店則在Rosebery和市中心的政廳(Town Hall)和內城區Moore Park。