Pallas’s Squirrel
Pallas’s Squirrel is fairly widely distributed, with the styani subspecies found in the New Territories, and the thai subspecies found on the Hong Kong Island. According to Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (https://www.kfbg.org/eng/) , it is an introduced squirrel; the first population may have come from abandoned or escaped pets that reproduced and established in […]

Oriental Magpie Robin
Abundant resident and widely distributed in Hong Kong. The Oriental Magpie Robin (鵲鴝又名豬屎渣,是香港人喜愛飼養的寵物鳥) , a common and tame bird, is capable of making a number of voices, sometimes imitating the calls of other birds. It is terrestrial, hopping along the ground with cocked tail. Oriental Magpie-Robin searches for food on the ground, hopping with raised […]

今早晨運後,行經灣仔石水渠街的陳廣記茶餐廳;看見一隻可愛的喵星人躺在門前享受溫暖的陽光,就走前跟牠玩耍了一會兒。可能今天是星期天,餐廳內祇見一個人在吃飯。 從外觀來講,陳廣記茶餐廳應該有超過二十年歷史吧,沒有冷氣,只有風扇。茶餐廳有點殘舊,加上膠圓凳,木摺檯,典型香港茶餐廳格局。 喝完早茶,再次經過茶餐廳見門已關上了,衹見喵星人孤零零的坐在門前,也就行近跟牠玩了一會才到菜市買菜!

Silvermine Beach Resort
We planed to spend a short holiday at the Silvermine Bay Resort Hotel on 27th and 28th this month. On Thursday noon, from Central we caught the 13:10 pm ferry and arrived Mui Wo in about 35 minutes. Turned right towards the Mui Wo Cooked Food Market, we passed a fancy promenade along the beach towards […]