Red-billed Blue Magpie
When walking along Bowen Road yesterday morning, we spotted about five to six Red-billed Blue Magpies(紅嘴藍鵲), among other birds such as Black-throated Laughing Trush(黑喉噪眉) and Hwamei (畫眉), flying swiftly over to hide in the bushes and trees after picking up food people left on the ground. These Red-billed Blue Magpies are slim and long, with […]
Hong Kong Butterflies 5
Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus 亮灰蝶) is a common blue in the Hong Kong Park. It usually flies around its larval food plants such as Smooth Crotalaria (Crotalaria pallida). It can be easily recognized as there is a broad white band at the edge on the undersides of its wings. 亮灰蝶是香港公園常見的灰蝶。在夏季可看到亮灰蝶在牠的幼蟲寄主植物如豬屎豆(Crotalaria pallida)徘徊。亮灰蝶翅膀腹面的外緣有一條易認的寬闊的白色斑紋,為與其他灰蝶明顯不同的特徵。
Hong Kong Butterflies 4
Blue tiger (Tirumala limniace 青斑蝶) is a beautiful butterfly that belongs to the crows and tigers, that is, the danaid group of the brush-footed butterfly family. The head, antennae and thorax is brownish black in color, with white dots on head and neck. Blue Tiger Butterflies have brownish black upperparts, with bluish white semi hyaline spots and streaks. […]
Hong Kong Butterflies 3
The common Mormon (Papilio polytes 玉帶鳳蝶), is a common species of swallowtail butterfly widely distributed across Asia. This butterfly is known for the mimicry displayed by the numerous forms of its females which mimic inedible red-bodied swallowtails, such as the common rose and the crimson rose. Here is a few pictures of the common Mormon taken in the Hong Kong Park this morning.