Red-whiskered Bulbul
It was sunny and dry at Bowen Road this morning. Flocks of Black-throated Laughing Thrush(黑喉噪眉), Red-billed Blue Magpies(紅嘴藍鵲) and Hwamei(畫眉) and Red-whiskered Bulbuls flew down from the treetops to fetch their food along the road. The Red-whiskered Bulbul is not easily mistaken for any other species of bird. It has a tall pointed black crest, […]
Chinese Bulbul
It was fine and dry this morning though a bit cool at Bowen Road. Apart from the flocks of Black-throated Laughing Thrushes(黑喉噪眉), Red-billed Blue Magpies(紅嘴藍鵲) and Hwamei(畫眉) that come up daily to fetch their food, there came a couple of Chinese Bulbuls perching on the treetops. This is the second time this week I spotted […]
近日苑內的四株梅花已經開始綻放,迎來一片梅花海,繁花如雪,飄香處處。近日已有不少攝影愛好者及惜花人,絡繹於途,搶先前往賞花。 到蓬萊閬苑可乘火車於大埔墟下車,經運頭塘邨德雅苑接走達連道,步行十五分鐘,見左有路牌往半山洲山頂花園,再行十多分鐘便到。亦可乘的士直達。 到達即見道教聖地鳳凰山蓬萊閬苑山門,其上有「鳳凰山」浮雕鑲在彩壁中,除正面石級直上主殿,亦可從旁邊小路進入苑內。 蓬萊閬苑依山坡而建,主殿為呂祖殿。據說此苑建成於六十年代中期,為區內具特色道觀,是仿照道教神仙棲居的仙苑而築成。道觀內擺放著各種仙景塑像,而苑內正中為大殿,上書(蓬萊閬苑),殿柱樑角及飛簷均有鳳凰裝飾,供奉呂祖先像和八仙像。